For coach renewals please see the guidance document and complete the form appropriate to your grade from the Archery GB Website.
Note that Archery GB abolished the option for coaches to retire some time ago as the criteria left a loophole which allowed unlicensed coaching to take place. They are aware their documentation is out of date and say it is being addressed as a matter of urgency as of 21/01/2019. We have added comments to the guides, and pre-filled the region, county, and renewal panel details on the application forms should you wish to use our own versions of the documentation as follows:
- Coach Renewal Guide
- Coach Renewal Panel Guide
- Level 1 Renewal Application
- Level 2 or above Renewal Application
- Archery GB Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Matrix
Level 1 and Level 2 Renewals
Applications should be forwarded to the County Coach Organiser for Renewals who can be contacted as per the details below if you have any issues or questions:
David Scorah |
58 Laurel Avenue Wickford Essex SS12 0BJ |
07860 155652 | |
If you are able to send the application electronically it helps speed the process up. We will confirm receipt of applications and keep you updated as to progress, so if you do not hear from us you should assume your renewal has not been received.
The members of the renewal panel are as follows:
- Anna Heaven (Senior Coach) and Chair of the Renewal Panel
- Debra Horn (County Coach) and CCO Performance
- David Scorah (Level 2 Coach) and CCO Renewals
County Coach and Senior Coach Renewals
Please contact the Regional Coaching Officer, Tony Ferguson. If you don't have his details already he can be contacted via the SCAS Coaching Contacts page.