Field Coaching Event
In collaboration with Mayflower Archers, the Essex and Suffolk Guild of Archery Coaches are delighted to announce a Field Coaching event to be held on Saturday 29th June 2019.
Run by Trish Lovell, you will learn about:
- Changes to make shifting from target to field
- What you need and what you don’t need
- Range assessment
- How to judge distance
- How to tune for field
- Equipment
- How to lay out a course
- How to shoot slopes and the pitfalls
Come along and meet Trish Lovell
- GB Field Archery Team shooting barebow for 12 years
- 13 International Medals, 2 World Championship Titles
- 1 European Championship Title
- 1 World Games Championship Title
The venue is Mayflower Archers’ field at Barleylands Road, Great Burstead, Billericay, CM11 2UD.
The morning session runs from 10:00am - 1:00pm and is for coaches only at £15 per person.
The afternoon session runs from 2:00pm - 4:30pm and is for archers at £10 per person (with help from coaches able to stay on from the morning session).
If you wish to attend, please send David Scorah an email on with your name, club, contact details and the session you'd like to attend. A flier is available for download if you'd like to print an A4 poster to go on your noticeboard.