Archers can submit as many scores as they want, providing they meet the following criteria:
- Scores are shot between 1 April - 30 September 2024
- Score shot at an open competition
- Evidence is uploaded with score submission, either one of the following:
- Score sheet signed by both archer and scorer
- Link to official results published online
- Senior rounds only:
- York
- Hereford / Bristol I
- St. George
- Albion
- Windsor
- New Western
- Long Western
- Western
- American
- St. Nicholas
- New National
- Long National
- National
- New Warwick
- Long Warwick
- Warwick
- WA 1440 (90m)
- WA 1440 (70m) / Metric I
- Long Metric (Men)
- Long Metric (Women) / Long Metric I
- Short Metric / Short Metric I
- WA 900
- WA 70m
- WA 60M
- WA 50m (Barebow) / Metric 122-50
- WA 50m (Compound)