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Presentation of Red Tassel to Paul Clark

Presentation of Red Tassel

In 1955 Essex County Archery Association agreed that a Red Tassel would be awarded to a member who has given long years of selfless service to the County and performed duties above and beyond their remit.   This resulted in the presentation of the first Red Tassel.

It was agreed at this time that a nomination for the award could only come from someone who was already a holder and the final decision as to whether the person nominated fulfilled the criteria was to be from a vote by the existing holders of the award – all of whom would know what it takes to be eligible.

This will be the 39th Red Tassel to be awarded in its 67-years of existence and the person I am happy to honour is someone who has fulfilled all the criteria and is considered by those who have gone before to be worthy of this award.

On behalf of the Red Tassel holders – some of whom are here today - I am delighted to present this award to:


Marlene Hutchins
Past President
Hon Life Vice President
Hon Life Member

2nd October 2022