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Jess Sagoo is really on a roll right now:

She won the Ladies Recurve in the January Challenge

Then she scored 592 in February.

She won the Essex Indoors with a PB.

On Saturday she won the BUCS championships for the second year running with another PB.

Well done Jess.

Joan Ikel - Oakfield Archers


Louis Arthur Gladwell

30th January 1930 – 28th February 2017

Louis Gladwell, President of Holdens Archers sadly passed away at his home on 28th February 2017.

           Louis was a founder member of the club which was formed in 1975 along with his wife Lorna and their good friends Alan and Kitty Hatfield. He became Chairman in 1982 which was a post he retained until 2012, when he then became Honorary Life President.

           When Alan and Kitty passed away, Louis initiated the August Bank Holiday Hatfield Memorial Shoot, which is now in its 34th year. The annual shoot has raised thousands of pounds for the Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research charity which is now known as Bloodwise.

         Becoming a qualified archery instructor, Louis brought many people into the sport both through lessons at the club and as a coach at Brentwood School.

        Louis was a man who brought solutions to any problems helping to propel the club to be one of the largest in Essex at its peak, one which often benefited from his many contacts in the local community.

        Outside of archery Louis was a successful local business man, running his offices supplies and services business in Brentwood and Billericay.

        His other great passion was music, where as a semi-professional singer he performed under the stage name “Ray Lewis” with the five-piece band “Gentlefolk” from 1975 to 2010 and more recently as part of the duo “A Touch of class”.

       He was an active supporter of many charities and organisations continuously raising funds for Bloodwise, Brentwood Stroke club and Brentwood Drum Corps.  

      He is survived by daughter Lesley and three grandchildren.

      He will be sorely missed on the “shooting line” and by all his many friends and archers in Essex.

Louis Arthur Gladwell

The funeral of Louis Gladwell will be held at

Bentley Crematorium, Ongar Road Pilgrims Hatch, Brentwood CM15 9RZ, on Tuesday 28th March at 2.00 p.m.

A reception will be held afterwards at Ashwells Country Club Ashwells Road, Brentwood, CM15 9SE.

Louis family have requested family flowers only, but would appreciate donations to Brentwood Stroke Club or Saint Francis Hospice Havering.

Alan Goodsman Club Secretary Holdens Archers 

Mayflower Archers hosted their second WA18 and Head to Head tournament on 22nd January at Mayflower School, Billericay. The event attracted archers from the four corners of Essex as well as Kent, Surrey, Sussex and Hertfordshire.

Having spent some time away from the competition scene now, I found this format really entertaining to watch, especially as the head to head phases progressed. Aided by electronic timing and a nifty black and yellow score card pinned to the foot of each target, spectators had no doubt about how each archer was performing at the finish of each end. Having never shot this format before, I can imagine it requires nerves of steel and it is great that we have one of these shoots in the county for our top and developing archers to practice at.

The other noticeable element is the number of judges needed to run the event – there were a total of six at lead by Richard Pilkington and assisted by Steven Johnson, Michael Pearce, Tori Mill, Paul Clark and Debbie Horn. Our thanks to all of the judges for helping to make this such an entertaining event.

The other nice feature was music that played throughout the tournament thanks to a nifty sound system and great playlist provided by Judge Steven Johnson (I think it went down well at least!)

The winning archers were:

Recurve Men – Michael Judd (Mayflower Archers)

Recurve Women – Lauren Bann (Rayleigh Town)

Compound Men – Mitchell Philpott (Sutton Bowmen)

Compound Women – Layla Annison (Norfolk Bowmen)

Our thanks to Alex Purser for superbly organising this highly technical shoot, for which the many moving parts had great potential for failure, but in fact ran like clockwork!

More photos available at

Robert Markham

This annual shoot was started by Ken Gray who ran Mayflower’s Junior Club prior to his death in 2002. Ken wanted this shoot to act as a gentle introduction for junior archers who were new to the sport and had not yet attended a tournament. The format has always been relaxed with an average score system adopted for each team which adjusts scores for compound archers allowing all to compete together.

Behind the light hearted atmosphere however is a strong competitive spirit and each team manager is plainly looking for a good result. This year’s shoot was supported by junior teams from Epping, Rayleigh, Braintree, West Essex, Colchester and Mayflower.

Our thanks to Michael and Maggie Pearce for their usual good humour in judging the event and encouraging our young archers, many of whom were at their first ever tournament. Michael was sporting his now customary hideous socks (see photo) and enthusiastically announced the World famous Balloon Shoot which followed the main event.

The winning teams and averaged scores were:

1st – Colchester (421.50)

2nd – West Essex (319.00)

3rd – Braintree (341.00)

4th – Rayleigh (339.00)

5th Epping (293.00)

6th – Mayflower (241.75)

The big qustion is who wears socks like this?

Lots more photos available at

Robert Markham

People will be saddened to learn of the death of one of our long-standing members, Albert Fenton, who died on 20th August, 2016 after a short illness.

What can I say, other than at the last shoot Albert attended, the Havering over 45s Shoot in July, he took home another gold medal to add to his collection.

Albert had been with us since around 1978 and I remember a bunch of us going to Tom Foy’s Archery Shop in Hawkhurst, Kent with Albie, his wife Joan and George and Edie Brown to get their first set of equipment after they joined us, Where does the time go?!

Over the years, Albert could always be relied on to support Ardleigh at League Matches (or anywhere else, come to that) , either by shooting with us or just to coming and have a look and a chat. He was “always there” and he will be much missed.

Michael Bell