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Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and ADHD are all types of learning difficulties that all coaches will come across throughout their coaching career. These learning difficulties were explained in a well-informed, well presented lecture given by Anna Heaven, county coach, at an EGAC meeting organised by Chris Buckley, EGAC secretary, on the 20th June.

Anna highlighted the various problems that coaches will meet during sessions and presented ideas on the best practice in helping people to achieve their goals through the archery session. Members who didn’t attend the meeting missed out on valuable information learned that evening.

Dyslexia, for instance, is not just about mixing letters/numbers but they are also unable to distinguish left from right, unable remember given information and have difficulty comprehending instructions easily. Each one of these types have their own tribulations but they all have these connecting factors, difficulty with social interaction, unable to communicate effectively and lack of social awareness. All problems that coaches need to be aware off.

These EGAC events are a valued source of information and worth making the effort to attend as there is always something to learn.

I would like to thank Anna for an excellent talk, Chris Buckley for organising the event and to the members that made the effort to attend. I hope to see many more at the next event which takes place at Perris Archery in July - details are on the Coaching News page.

Alan Munson
ECAA President

Alex Purser has passed his County Judging Practical Assessment at Cambridge today (12 May).

Alex started judging last year and has progressed very well, attending and passing his written exam earlier in the year

Now he has passed his practical exam he becomes a County Judge.

Alex is seen here presenting Michael Judd with a trophy at the County Shoot in his role as County Chairman.

Congratulations Alex - keep up the good work

When I  was asked by Mike Pearce if I would like to be president of the ECAA I was very surprised and honoured to be considered for the role. Mike Pearce along with Paul Clark and my club, Blue Arrows, I thank them for their nomination and support. On the day it came to a vote and I would like to thank all those that voted me into this special position.

In February 2005 I joined the Blue Arrows and in December I became the Club Secretary and I am still the club secretary! This was when I came into contact with Graham Sibley, the county secretary for 63 years. He told me as club secretary I had a job for life. “Do you think so?” I said. I now believe he was right. I have no intention of filling his shoes and I don’t think anybody can, Graham was too great a person to replace and one who is greatly missed.

Over the past 13 years I met some wonderful people and made some good friends along the way. I enjoy participating in competitions, often attending with these friends. Over the next 3 years as President I would like to visit the many clubs in Essex and Suffolk and hopefully make more new friends.

There many questions that need to be addressed ie How do we encourage and retain young people? I would like to encourage Suffolk clubs to be more involved in the running of the county. If you like would to get in contact my email address is I am looking forward to meeting everybody over the next 3 years and now summer has arrived I wish you a good shooting season.

Alan Munson
ECAA President

For more information email Alan at

Congratulations to Richard Pilkington, who in the most recent Archery GB AGM, has been awarded the societies bronze plaquette for services to judging.

Richard, as many of the county will be aware has been a National judge for several years, but fewer will know the exemplarary work that he has done on the National Judging committee in recent years.

Now that the committee has been disbanded, Richard will still be part of the national working group for Judging, working on continued development for judges across the country.

On behalf of all of Essex and Suffolk, congratulations Richard on your well deserved honour.


Chairman - Essex and Suffolk County Association 

Red Tassel Awarded to Mitch and Alex

The Red Tassel Award was instigated in 1955 to recognise sustained effort over a prolonged period of service to the Essex County Archery Association by reason of enthusiasm, commitment and practical work, making a substantial contribution to archery in the interests of the County. This award should be most sparingly presented in order to enhance its value and prestige.

Recommendations for such an award can only be made by a holder of the Red Tassel and sanctioned by the existing holders of the Award.

Since that time, thirty-eight Red Tassel Awards have been awarded, the latest at the Annual General Meeting of 17th February 2018 to Alex Purser and Mitch Vaughan who, it was unanimously agreed, fulfilled the criteria with their sustained support of the County.

The full list of Red Tassel Holders can be seen on the Red Tassel Page

Congratulations to both.

Marlene Hutchins
Life Vice President

This Trophy Needs a Home - Can you Help?

The trophy on the right is the Victor Ludorum Trophy which is awarded each year to the Essex and Suffolk archer who has been most consistent at the County Shoots

However this was not awarded again this year.

To win it you need to shoot at the Indoor Championship, one of the Clouts (AGB and Metric),  the Target Championships (York, Hereford, Bristols), the WA1440 Championships and the Field Championships - but you have to be in it to win it.

Entry Forms are out for the Indoor (Chelmsford 10/11 March) and the AGB Clout (Woodford 22nd April) so if you want to be considered then make sure your entries are in.

Also Alex does not want it in his loft again!

The one on the Left is the Junior Millennium Trophy for the Junior shooting all the County disciplines and this year it was awarded to Aimee Davis