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Lorna Eva Gladwell

29th June 1928 – 8th October 2015

Lorna was a founder member of “Holdens Archers” in the mid 1970’s together with Alan & Kitty Hatfield. Alan and Kitty passed away over 30 years ago, in their memory The Hatfield Memorial shoot was born which is held  annually to this day in aid of Leukaemia Research.

Lorna became a very able archer, shooting at many Albion League matches and collecting winner’s medals in various club tournaments. She also travelled to many away shoots together with husband Louis who joined the club shortly after Lorna joined.

Lorna was a very active member helping in any way that she could to raise funds either organising with weekly raffles on club nights or fund raising events of which there were many, Quiz Nights, Race Nights and Barn Dances etc. which put the club on a very sound financial footing.

Unfortunately she had to give up active shooting due to arthritis, but was still very active in helping organising fund raising, by running the raffles etc. Unfortunately Lorna suffered a stroke in 2000 which led to her becoming a resident at Brooks House Care Home in Brentwood. She was unable to walk and confined to a wheelchair in all her waking hours, but was still able to attend various social events with the help of husband Louis.    

Lorna was granted Honorary Club President, an honour of which she was very proud.

Eventually and suddenly she passed away on October 8th 2015, she will be sorely missed by all club members who knew her and many relatives, and friends and archers from clubs in Essex, who were many.

Louis Gladwell Husband and Club President

Alan Goodsman Club Secretary


Edward Francis Bricknell

14th May 1926 – 27th December 2015

Ted Bricknell who has passed away at the young age of 89 was a helpful and loyal member of Holdens Archers in Essex. He was a long serving member of the club representing us as a member of the Albion League team always putting up a high score.

Later on he took up shooting Longbow with a small group of other club members always trying to improve his scores with each round he took part in on Sunday mornings.

In later years he was not in the best of health, but never complained, and was always good company on the shooting line. Ted had other interests such as fishing and going to Air displays.

He will be sorely missed by all who knew him.

The club and his fellow archers send their condolences to his wife Margaret, family and friends.

Alan Goodsman Club Secretary

The first weekend in December and archers arrived for the National Indoor Championships at Hall 2 of the National Agricultural Exhibition Centre at Stoneleigh for the Junior Indoor Championship, Back 2 Back tournament and the Senior Indoor Championship.

I was there as DoS and also had Mike Peirce and Steve Johnson as fellow judges so a good turn out from the ECAA before the archers even arrived!

With 1200 archers attending over the weekend it was a busy time with the Juniors starting on the Saturday with their Indoor Championship. There were lots of people to say hello to and some very good shooting with the following archers winning medals.

Recurve - Junior Gentlemen U16
1          TATE Jonathan                      Clacton A      
3          VOBE Ollie                              Deben AC 

Recurve - Junior Ladies U16
3          BANN Lauren                         Rayleigh Town AC

Recurve - Junior Gentlemen U12
3          BIRDSALL Samuel                 Rayleigh Town AC

Recurve - Junior Ladies U12
1          NEWBY Imogen                     Braintree B
3          STRUGNELL Sydney              Braintree B 

Compound - Junior Ladies U18
3          MALLION Emily                     Mayflower A

Barebow - Junior Gentlemen U16
1          SMITH Ollie                            Deben AC

Barebow - Junior Gentlemen U12
1          BIRDSALL Samuel                 Rayleigh Town AC 

The seniors were also shooting in the Back to Back competition at the same time – which made for a few false starts as the buzzers went off and in this Daisy Clark made it through to the Ladies Compound Finals where she lost to Sarah Prieels.

We were all back again bright and early on Sunday for the Senior Indoor Championship which took up all 64 bosses in the hall. It was great to see so many of our archers there and if I didn’t manage to say hello to you it was because I was a bit stuck on the top of the DoS stand – I’m sure you heard me and were fed up of my voice by the end of it.

Again lots of good shooting Michael Judd, Alex Body, Jonathan Tate, Nicky Hunt, Phil Glover, Daisy Clark, Sophie Brown and Helen Harris all made it through to the finals.

It was a long weekend but good fun and I hope to see you all there again next year – as I’m on the timers as DoS again!

Photo © Chris Evans


Many of you will know Tommy Hodder, not just for his excellent string making, but also for the fact that he has always been a good shot and represented GB some years ago.

In more recent years he has suffered problems with his feet, and his left foot in particular, due to diabetes, which has made life difficult for shooting and judging.

On Wednesday, 25th November, he underwent an operation at Basildon Hospital to have his left leg amputated below the knee and will remain in hospital for some weeks.  I am sure we all wish Tommy a speedy recovery and a happy return to archery when the time is right for him.  His determination to shoot again will see him through this very difficult time.

The photograph shows Tommy shooting from a stool at Pilgrim Archers Whit Shoot in 2015

I'm happy to say that RIchard Pilkington (that's me!) has recently passed his National Level Judge examinations and joins Mick and Tony at the highest level of Judging in AGB.

Judging is great fun as you get to meet all the archers without the actual need to shoot arrows and worry about your score. If you think you can eat cake, drink tea and want to help the sport then have a chat to a judge at a shoot, visit the Judges page or drop us a line at


27.03.1933 – 05.10.2015

There can be few people in any sport more dedicated and given more of themselves than Graham. Most notably Secretary to Essex County Archery Association for over 60-years, taking on the Post in 1952 to help out ‘temporarily’ until a permanent Secretary could be found. During these 60-odd years he has undertaken everything and anything that involved County work and never claimed to be too busy to help in any way he could.

In addition to the years spent as Secretary, the length of which is unheard of in the annals of the Society, Graham also spent 10-years as Chairman of GNAS Target Committee during which time he was involved in the selection of teams for both World Championships and Olympic Games.

He was one of the first archers in the County to become a Judge having been active as a Field Captain before the existence of Judges and he remained active as a Regional Judge, always preferring to remain close to the grassroots of the sport he so loved and was instrumental in introducing and supporting many archers in their efforts to progress in judging.

He was President of SCAS from 2010 to 2013, awarded every accolade that County and Region could bestow upon him. Was an AGB and SCAS Judge Emeritus, held the Hartwell Trophy, was a Life Member of Essex and SCAS. At the last ECAA AGM he was elected President of the County.

Our thoughts are with Betty, his wife of 50-years who has lost not only a devoted husband but one of the best-loved characters in archery.

Graham Sibley will be sorely missed.

Essex and the archery world will be a poorer place without him.

Thanks from Betty Sibley

BETTY SIBLEY would like to express her deep gratitude for the many kind letters and cards she received following the passing of Graham. She also gives thanks to the huge number of people who supported her by attending the funeral at the Church and Crematorium. The size of the congregation showed just how much Graham was respected and he will be sadly missed by all.The collection at the Church after Graham's funeral raised £1,036 for McMillan Cancer Support.  Betty is very appreciative of all who donated..