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Rayleigh B have unfortunately found they will not be able to field a team for the forthcoming 2019 ECAA Summer League, therefore, they have decided to withdraw now in order that they do not let their opponents down by a no-show.

Division 3 fixtures have been amended to show this change and I ask that you amend your Club Fixture List to suit.

This change only applies to the teams in Division 3.   Divisions 1 and 2 are not affected.

Amended Fixture List is attached to the Albion League page.

Many thanks.

Marlene Hutchins

Please follow this link for the agenda for the next council meeting, to be held on 6th March at the usual venue of Margaretting Village Hall at 8pm.

It comes with the usual plea for club secretaries to forward to all of your members please, along with my reminder that council meetings are open to all county members,  which means that any archer who is a member of Essex, whether through a club or as a direct member, has the right to attend the meeting and to have their say on any matters raised. 

Thank you in advance.

Debbie Horn

Essex County Archery Association