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County Team Selection

Upcoming events

EventDateRoundScore submissionRelevant scores shot betweenCut-off date for score submission
County Match, Essex vs Norfolk vs Cambridge (Incorporated in ECAA WA1440 Championships, RTAC)21/07/2024WA1440Score submission02/08/2023 - 02/06/202402/06/2024 at 21:00
SCAS Team Field, The High Weald Archery Club28/07/2024WA FieldExpress interest to Team Manager N/A
SCAS Inter-County Shoot, Andover04/08/2024TBCOpens
21/09/2023 - 21/27/202421/07/2024 at 21:00
National County Team Championships, Lilleshall28/09/2024 - 29/09/2024WA70
Score submission19/07/2023 - 19/05/202419/05/2024 at 21:00

How to represent Essex & Suffolk at County matches

As agreed at the AGM in 2015 we are introducing a new adult selection procedure in the county as it was felt that the old procedure was not working as well as we would like. Please read the attached policy in conjunction with the cut off dates and if you wish to be considered to take part in any of the events listed.

How the team is selected

The scores received will be ranked 1st to last and the team will be picked from the top of the list down until all spots for the team are filled. All bow styles will be considered but teams will only be sent to an event if we can fill the required criteria at a competitive level. 

Junior scores should be submitted to the JRO through Club Records Officers or this Online Form. The JRO will maintain a ranking list that will be sent to the Team Manager and be used to select the teams. 

Team Selection Policy