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HI all,

The agenda for the May meeting, along with minutes of the meeting held via zoom in March, has been published on the Governance -> Meetings page.

A reminder that all ECAA members are welcome to attend county meetings.

This one, like the last will be held online and the link to use is included at the top of the agenda document.

Please let me know if you need any further assistance.


Given the long break and that we are still unsure about what is happening later on in the year with regards to Tournaments then the old Events page has been replaced with a simpler table for now.

This way as we get information about events in Essex and Suffolk that are actually going ahead they will be added to the page.

The first one of these is the Abbey Open shoot which is now planned for Sunday 21st September 2021.

We also have the information for the SCAm which is due to be run between the 4th and 7th August 2021 at Waterside Archers.

Details of both of these can be found on the Tournament & Records -> Events in Essex and Suffolk page.